We hope you know you are a beloved child of an abundant God! Knowing how loved we are by God can empower us to love others and seek ways we can be of service. So, we hope you know Jesus loves you, as you are and as you can be.
We Worship this loving God on Sunday Mornings at 10am together. The congregation meets in a building that was built in 1978 and honestly show a bit of its age but it is home for many seeking a relationship with the Divine. You will have two entrances from which to choose when coming into the building. The one beside the disabled parking is the most direct route to the Sanctuary. There is a ramp leading up to that door. If you use this entrance, you enter the building in what is called the “Family Room” just outside the Sanctuary.
An order of worship we call a bulletin will be sitting on a lectern just inside the door. The order of worship is projected onto a screen too, so you don’t necessarily need the bulletin, but some still enjoy holding the printed word.
Worship is traditional and incorporates liturgy (responsive readings), hymns, reading of Scripture and prayers. A sermon is part of the morning worship and is usually less than 20 minutes long. Children are welcome in the sanctuary even if they are fidgety and loud. It is a welcome sound. Childcare will be provided if you prefer your children be in our nursery.
We hope to see you some Sunday morning. We will welcome you with open hearts, minds, and spirits.
Northminster Presbyterian Church seeks to live by the ethic of the two greatest commandments according to Jesus:
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40 NIV
We fall short of these ideals, but know God loves us and leads us from where we are, to where we can be. Join us along the path so we can learn from Jesus Christ and follow Him together while serving others in His name.