We believe education is vital to our growth as followers of Jesus Christ. A steady prayer life, reading Scripture, and living in right relationships with others are all central to our faith. Learning how to live a life like this is the task of Christian Education. We value it highly and hope you will join us for some or all the learning opportunities we offer.
Bible Study
Bible Study 10:30am-noon on Tuesdays in the Family Room. To enter this room, go up the ramp leading up to the church beside the disabled person’s parking spaces.
The Tuesday morning (10:30 to 12:00) Bible Study has been happening for many years. It is a time of rich exploration of The Present Word Bible Study. Each lesson is stand alone and therefore easy to join at anytime. While the group that meets is small (typically 4 to 6) we all agree that it has added a great deal to our understanding of the text and additional interest to the Sunday sermons that use the same text. It is conversational and lively.
Presbyterian Outlook Study
The second Sunday of the month beginning in September 2023 we will be studying the Presbyterian Outlook‘s ‘Belonging’ issue. Contact Diana Harrison at harrisondiana@yahoo.com to get your copy of the issue. We will be meeting monthly through November (skipping December for Advent and Christmas) We will then resume meeting in January 2024 and meet through May of 2024 (skipping March for Easter).
Please join us if you long for community and want to know how Christians can gain a sense of belonging to God and to a community of faith in Christ.