Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
A starting point for learning more about the Presbyterian Church USA.
Covenant Network of Presbyterians
A peacemaking organization within the PCUSA that seeks reconciliation and inclusivity of LGBTQA people in all roles of the Church.
Presbytery of the Miami Valley
Our regional governing body. We are a connectional church and belong to a larger denomination. Presbytery is our local link to other Presbyterian people and congregations in our region.
WaterStep, aka ‘Shoe Drive’
Each year on the last two weekends in August, Northminster collects shoes that are donated to WaterStep, a nonprofit organization that works to bring water purifiers to regions of the world that do not have access to clean water. WaterStep also provides safe water solutions to areas impacted by natural disasters like tornadoes and flooding. To learn more about WaterStep click the link below.
Rocking Horse Health Bus
The James E. Sheehan Health Bus will take “Rocking Horse on the Road” to provide primary health care services to Springfield neighborhoods. That comes to the Church parking lot every 4th Tuesday starting January 28th.
Liturgical Calendar
Weekly Scripture lessons-lectionary site. See what texts are often used as a basis for the Sunday sermon as well as special Sundays and Holidays.
Presbyterian Youth Connection
Learn about the PCUSA Presbyterian Youth Connection here.
Kirkmont Camp and Conference Center
Our Presbytery Camp and Conference Center for children and adults to worship, relax, and fellowship.
Presbyterian Women
Link to denominational ministries of Presbyterian Women.
Habitat for Humanity
Providing affordable housing through the ecumenical service of volunteers-our own Susan Dersh offers us opportunities to serve with this ministry.
Our memory care facility resource provides detailed information to help caregivers and their families in Ohio better understand what memory care involves and how to choose the right community. is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. We have been featured by AARP, The Administration for Community Living, The National Resource Center, and Forbes, as well as references by many governmental agencies and organizations across the internet.
SNAP Assistance and Food Stamps for Seniors
The federal food assistance program, SNAP, sometimes also called Food Stamps, is available to low-income households to encourage healthy food choices. We have developed a new guide aimed at educating senior citizens about the benefits of this great program.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels is a nationwide program that provides older Americans nutritious meals and safety checks at little to no cost. The meals can be delivered to your home if you meet eligibility requirements, or you can go to a congregate nutrition site for socialization and food. If you struggle with isolation and meal prep, then Meals on Wheels could provide ease and companionship.